.2. PLAN


You care about content but you lack time in planning and posting? Let us help you out!

CEME Content automation offers software that makes content creation, planning and posting as easy as pie! How do we do that? Read further!

We believe that content creation, planning and posting should be fun, not annoying. Too often, (content) marketeers waste a lot of their time on manually creating, planning and posting content. They have to use tons of different programs and systems to get to the goal: posting relevant and engaging content online. But what if we can make it easier? No more excel sheets for planning, no more photo editing programs for creating nice visuals, and no more logins to all different social media channels. We have gathered all these steps into only one easy and straight-forward program.

With our platform CEME you can easy create the most beautiful and engaging visuals. Save your corporate identity, use our source of inspiring stock images, have your text instantly redacted. Plan your content in our calendar, easy generatio of UTM's and shortened links. Select your preferred social media channels, visuals adapt automatically to the recommended measurements. Post on the desired time and measure engagement realtime.

Create. Plan. Post.

It's easy as pie.





Are you ready to make your life easier by using our CEME platform for your content automation? Or do you want further information about our services and pricing? Contact us! We'll be in touch asap. Easy as pie!


We believe in our platform as much as we believe in our staff. We're a nomad company. Everybody works remotely from the place where life brings them, we don't have a headquarters or an office to visit. Once a year, we'll take our entire team out for a break, somewhere in the world. Apart from some corporate sessions we are mainly gatherinig for team building and leisure. Beach party's, concerts, skiing, rock climbing. Do you want to join us? Check out our vacancies or send us your open application!

Team event beach party
Team event concert
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